중앙사론Institute for Historical Studies at Chung-Ang University

8세기 전반 발해와 平盧節度使의 교섭
조회수 : 384 등록일 : 2022-07-02

Negotiations Between Balhae and the Military Commissioner of Pinglu in the First Half of the Eighth Century



Author : Kim, Jong-bok



Page :  307-344





  The destination of Youngju-do(營州道, the route to Yingzhou), one of the five international transportation routes of Balhae, was Yingzhou where the military commissioner of Pinglu(平盧節度使) was installed. Paying attention to this, this article aims at examining the negotiations between Balhae and the military commissioner of Pinglu of Tang dynasty in the first half of the eighth century.

  13 Junzhen(軍鎭, defense commands) under the jurisdiction of the military commissioner of Youzhou(幽州) of Tang were later divided into 9 Junzhen of the military commissioner of Fanyang(范陽) and 4 Junzehn of the military commissioner of Pinglu in 742. The military commissioner of Pinglu subsequently established 6 Junzehn between Dalinghe and Liaohe. On the other hand, Andong Protectorate, which was reinstalled in Youzhou in 705, moved repeatedly from Pingzhou(714) → Yanjun(719) → Pingzhou(720) → Yanjun(723) under the jurisdiction of the military commissioner of Youzhou, and finally in 742, it was under the jurisdiction of the Military Commissioner of Pinglu. In the following year, it was moved to the old castle in Liaoxijun and the number of troops increased significantly.

  The Military Commissioner of Pinglu’s mission was to oppress and conciliate Balhae. The continuous transfer of Andong Protectorate to the east, the reinforcement of the troops, and the newly established Junzhen under the Military Commissioner of Pinglu are the examples of oppression. On the other hand, allowing Balhae to participate in the East-West trade through the Sogdian merchants of Yingzhou and making Tang acknowledge the influence of Balhae on Malgal Tribes constitutes conciliation.

  There were two transportation routes between Balhae and Tang: Youngju-do to the Military Commissioner of Pinglu and Jogong-do(朝貢道, tribute route) to the emperor of Tang. At the end of 761, however, the Military Commissioner of Pinglu went south and became the military commissioner of Pingluziqing, so there was unitary transportation route left, Jogong-do.



< Key Words >

​Balhae, Youngju-do(the route to Yingzhou), Jogong-do(tribute road), the military commissioner of Pinglu, Andong Protectorate​​

첨부파일 : 김종복_ 중앙사론55집-본문(최종).pdf

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