高句麗-隋전쟁에 보이는 隋軍의 진군로와 접경 - 遼西를 중심으로 - | |
조회수 : 386 | 등록일 : 2022-07-02 |
The routes of Sui forces and Borders in the War between Goguryeo and Sui : The example of Liaoxi Region
Author : Jung, Dong-Min
Page : 267-306
The purpose of this study is to examine the aspects of the contact zones between the two countries (Liaoxi Region), by examining the advancing route of the naval forces during the war between Goguryeo and Sui and figuring out the location of the front-line military supply bases. The Sui forces on the Goguryeo expedition passed through Linyu Gateway at Zhuo Jun and then advanced to Liucheng using Liaoxi Corridor, the old road. However, at that time, the Liaoxi Corridor was not used as the main transportation route, so they headed north along the Liuguhe River valley road to reach Liucheng without using the entire section of the Liaoxi Corridor. After reaching Liucheng, they advanced into Goguryeo territory using the Ying Zhou-Liaodong Castle road and crossing the Liao River road. During the Goguryeo-Sui War in 598, the Sui army was unable to reach the eastern part of Liaoxi, so they used Liucheng as the last base for their advance. However, during the Goguryeo-Sui War in 612, they were able to set up front-line military supply bases at Luhe Zhen and Huaiyuan Zhen by placing the eastern part of Liaoxi under their control through a military clash with the Goguryeo. During the Goguryeo-Sui War in 613, Sui set up a front-line military supply base in Muryeo La, an ‘old castle of Liaodong’. It was possible because the entire eastern part of Liaoxi was under their control through the Goguryeo-Sui War in 612. In other words, as Sui had full control of Liaoxi region, Liaoxi could not play the role of a buffer zone as a bordering space between Goguryeo and Sui any more.
< Key Words > Goguryeo-Sui War, Contact Zones, Liaoxi Region, Linyu Gateway, Liucheng, Muryeo La |
첨부파일 : 정동민_중앙사론55집-본문(최종).pdf |
이전글 | 8세기 전반 발해와 平盧節度使의 교섭 |
다음글 | 전국∼전한시기 遼東郡의 경계형태와 대외 교통로 - 고조선과의 관계를 중심으로 - |