중앙사론Institute for Historical Studies at Chung-Ang University

전국적 사건에 대한 지역적 해석: 신경환(申京煥) 사건을 중심으로
조회수 : 32570 등록일 : 2022-01-14

Regional interpretation of national case: Focusing on the Shin Kyung-hwan case


Author : Jung, Gye-hyang


Page : 155-190



  The 1973 ‘Shin Kyung-hwan(申京煥) case’ is related to the unstable legal status of Koreans in Japan. Shin Kyung-hwan, who was paroled after serving in 1968 for robbery, became the first case of the forced eviction clause of the 'Korea-Japan Legal Status Agreement'. Japanese and Koreans in Japan formed a support group to stop Shin Kyung-hwan from being forced out and conducted trials to prevent him from being deported. Through the trial, his deportation was stopped. After the case, he returned to his hometown, but his relationship with his family deteriorated and eventually left for another place. However, Shin Kyung-hwan case had an important influence on Takarazuka. It was an opportunity to discuss discrimination among Koreans in Japan in the local community. Shin Kyung- hwan's sister has participated in the human rights movement since the 1980s based on her experience. Her activities led to the revitalization of the operation of the civilian branch. Until now, study on Koreans in Japan has focused on revealing national discrimination. However, by paying attention to the region, it is possible to reveal individual microscopic experiences and identify specific changes in the community. Through this, the history of Koreans in Japan can be described more diversely.  


<Key Words>

Region history, Koreans in Japan, Shin Kyung-hwan case, Takarazuka, national discrimination

첨부파일 : [최종]5. 정계향_중앙사론54집.pdf

이전글 | 한국 영화, 대중 문화와 샤머니즘: 한국의 샤먼 내러티브, 무당 영화와 여성들
다음글 | 1950~1960년대 일본의 ‘식민지배 미화론’ 주장과 한국 역사학계의 동향

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