1950~1960년대 일본의 ‘식민지배 미화론’ 주장과 한국 역사학계의 동향 | |
조회수 : 370 | 등록일 : 2022-01-14 |
The opinion of the “Colonial beautification theory” in Japan in the 1950s-1960s and the response of the Korean historical academia
Author : Lee, Kye-hyung
Page : 115-153 Abstract
After the liberation, the logic of the Japanese emperor's colonial rule was that at the time of the third Korea-Japan meeting in October 1953, Kubota(久保田), the chief representative of the Japanese side, said, "36 years of Japan's forced occupation of Korea was beneficial to the Korean people." Look researched since the remarks came out. Kubota's delusions are in line with the theory of Colonial Modernity that emerged in the 1980s. This surfaced at the time of the Korea-Japan talks due to the issue of property claims between Korea and Japan, but there is also recognition of Japan's colonial rule in Korea. However, the Korean history academia was not immediately researched on Japanese colonial policy. Existing historians did not recognize modern history as history, but the historical materials of that time were not collected and organized, and few researchers specialized in studying this. Historians' studies of Japanese colonial rule since the mid-1950s have led to the emergence of a "deprivation theory" to criticize the so-called "grace theory." It clarified the substance of the land survey project promoted in the 1910s, and concluded that it was ultimately for Japan to seize. Then, before and after the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and Korea in 1965, research on Japanese colonial rule proceeded to overcome the problems of colonial history. In particular, critical texts on Stagflation theory began to appear. The Stagflation theory is a logic that denies the intrinsic development of Korean society, and it is the logic that Korea has not escaped from a socially and economically backward state because a feudal society, which is essential for transitioning to a modern society, did not form. Therefore, Japan legally "annexes" Korea, claiming that Korea was the first to achieve modernization and industrialization under Japanese rule. In other words, it leads to the theory of Colonial beautification theory that Japan's colonial rule did not trample the process of Korea's self-sustaining modernization, but rather advanced and enriched it. Since the mid-1960s to refute the theory of identity, Korean historians have proposed the theory of implicit development, and to prove this, research papers such as the theory of elements of capitalism and the Korean historical periodization have been poured out. This also served as an opportunity to overcome another issue of colonial history, the theory of Heteronomy. This is also because it is the logic that Korea has made positive efforts for modernization since the late of Chosun Dinasty. As a result, the Korean historical system gradually overcame the Japanese Colonial beautification theory.
the theory of Colonial Modernity, grace theory, deprivation theory, grace theory, Korean historical periodization, the theory of elements of capitalism, the theory of Heteronomy |
첨부파일 : [최종]4. 이계형_중앙사론54집.pdf |
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