중앙사론Institute for Historical Studies at Chung-Ang University

종전 후 베트남-원 사이의 관계 변화와 상호 대응
조회수 : 218 등록일 : 2023-09-18

Changes in relations between Vietnam and the Yuan after the end of the war and their mutual response


Author: Yoon, Sung yeon


Page: 193-230




​This article attempted to examine the changes in relations that emerged after the two wars between the Tran(Trần, 陳) Dynasty Vietnam and the Yuan Dynasty in China during the Kublai period. Kublai's conquest of Southern Song(南宋) and the wars in the process of advancing to the Southern Sea Empire ended when the original side retreated, but relations between the two countries continued after the war. At that time, “audience of the emperor(親朝)”was a criterion for determining complete obedience in Mongolia, and Kublai demanded complete obedience from Vietnam. Relations between the two countries after the end of the war also emerged in the demand for this "relationship" and Vietnam's response, and conflicts between the two countries emerged as the Tran Dynasty did not accept Kublai's demands until the end.

  After two failed wars, Kublai did not give up his subjugation to Vietnam. However, the conquest of Vietnam was only delayed in internal and external situations. Therefore, Vietnam refused to cooperate, but tried to ease Mongolian pressure by dispatching envoys or paying tribute several times. Meanwhile, the failure of the expedition to Jawa(爪哇) provided the beginning, and the war between the two countries began in earnest. However, when Kublai died during the preparation process, the situation

changed, and after that, the relationship was generally peaceful.


<​Key Words>

Yuan Empire, Khblai, Tran Dynasty, Six Duties(六事), audience of the emperor(親朝)​​

첨부파일 : 06_윤승연_중앙사론 제59집.pdf

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