중앙사론Institute for Historical Studies at Chung-Ang University

11세기 후반기 보갑법의 시행과 향촌 질서
조회수 : 166 등록일 : 2023-09-18

The Implementation of Bao-jia System and Rural Order in the Second Half of the 11th Century


Author: Lee, Geun-myung


Page: 159-192




​The Bao-jia System was implemented in 1070. It was Zhao Zi-ji's proposal that was a decisive opportunity for the introduction of the Bao-jia System as part of the New Policy. Zhao Zi-ji's suggestion was adopted as it is. The Bao-jia System consisted of several upper and lower organizations. The heads of each unit were appointed by the influential people of the village. The Bao-jia System soon expanded across the country. The spread of the Bao-jia system had significant regional variations. The

general direction of spread was North China first, followed by other regions. The Bao-jia System was first introduced as an autonomous police organization and soon transformed into a military organization. The Bao-jia System caused a lot of burdens on farmers' lives. The Bao-jia system never had an aspect of reducing the burden on farmers or protecting farmers.


<​Key Words>

Song dynasty, New policy, Wang An-shi, Bao-jia System, Local Officials​

첨부파일 : 05_이근명_중앙사론 제59집.pdf

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