중앙사론Institute for Historical Studies at Chung-Ang University

金代 初期 동북지역 內의 女眞人 이주
조회수 : 273 등록일 : 2023-05-31

Migration of Jurchen people[女眞人] in the northeast area on the focus on the early age of the Jin dynasty


Author : JEONG, IL-gyo



Page : 155-179





 The racial migration of Jurchen people was the moving of kin-groups around especially blood relationship. The southward migration of Jurchen people was tribe group’s military movement around blood relationship like families. As the national agriculture with a collectivist system known as the Miŋgan Moumukə[猛安謀克] in the Jin dynasty was advanced southward, the migration had personality of military organization groups. Because the migration was for improved military and the control of occupied territory.

 In the early age of the Jin dynasty, the movement to northeast of Jurchen people was in military and political aspects. By winning the battle of Ningjianzhou[寧江州], Jurchen people expended their influence in the northeast area and established the Jin dynasty, and also a need arose for govern effectively of the occupied territory. The Jurchen’s movement was enforced between Emperor Taizu[太祖] and Taizong[太宗] of Jin. The movement of this period shows characteristics of collectivity aroud blood relationship as familial and military organization group.
 The representative migrant regions of Jurchen people were Huanglongfu[黃龍府], Beijinglu[北京路], Xianpinglu[咸平路], Dongjinglu[東京路] and so on. Huanglongfu was a stretegic point of military and transportaion. Also there were a residence of mostly Balhea people and Han chinese. Wangan Loushitsu[完顔婁室] came with about a hundred thousand people and resided there. The migration was enforced mostly in the regime of Emperor Taizu, and the migrators were mostly from Gallanlu[曷懶路]. The Jurchen people of Shangjinglu[上京路] moved to Beijinglu. The migration to Xianpinglu and Dongjinglu was enforced in the regime of Emperor Taizong, and the migrators came from mostly Beijinglu and Gallanlu.



< Key Words >

Jin dynasty, the northeast area, Jurchen people, Migration

첨부파일 : 05_정일교_중앙사론58집.pdf

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