중학교 교과서의 ‘서경 천도 운동’을 통한 역사적 사고력 신장 교육방안 모색 | |
조회수 : 16532 | 등록일 : 2023-05-31 |
Exploring Educational Approaches for Enhancing Historical Thinking Skills Through the 'Seogyeong Cheondo Movement' in Middle School Textbooks
Author : Kim, Wootaek
Page : 5-43
Myocheong's "Seogyeong Cheondo Movement" is featured in all middle school history textbooks. The textbook prioritizes efficient information delivery to students, but it is insufficient to develop their historical thinking skills. To achieve this, students must first comprehend the historical context of the time, where Myocheong's argument gained support as Goryeo dynasty faced various disasters and changes in the international political situation. Second, students must learn why the movement failed as the promised positive effects did not materialize, and Myocheong failed to offer appropriate solutions, leading to exile and rebellion. Guiding students to understand the historical development process will significantly contribute to their historical thinking skills.
< Key Word > Seogyeong Cheondo Movement, Myocheong, Geomancy, Historical Thinking Skills |
첨부파일 : 01_김우택_중앙사론58집.pdf |
이전글 | 고려 전·중기 왕실의 친족구조와 왕실 封爵制운영원리 |
다음글 | 시진핑 시기 중국의 군개혁과 중․인 국경분쟁 : 조직 편제를 중심으로 |